Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Mythological Significance of Ekadasi:

It is believed that Ekadasi is the name of the Goddess that arose from Lord Vishnu to defeat Demon Mura. Happy with her divine act, Lord Vishnu blessed her that anyone who observes Ekadasi fast will be freed of their sins and will attain Moksha.

The 24 different Ekadasis:
1. Putrada Ekadasi:
There is a popular belief that married couples without children will be blessed with children if they observe Putrada Ekadasi.
2. Shatilla Ekadasi:
On this day, Til (sesame) is used in six ways. It is used in Ubtan, bathing, performing Havans, Tarpan, meal and donations.
3. Jaya Ekadasi:
The greatness of this Ekadasi was narrated to Yudhishtira by Sri Krishna and is found in the Padma Purana and the Bhavisyothara Purana.
4. Vijaya Ekadasi:
The major belief behind practicing this ritual is the observance of a vrat by Lord Ram before he headed towards crossing the ocean to reach Lanka and defeating Ravana.
5. Amalki Ekadasi:
Dedicated to Amlaki or Gooseberry Tree, observance of this Ekadasi is believed to bring in great prosperity and benefits.
6. Papamochini Ekadasi:
Observing a vrat on this day is highly significant as a sincere devotee can get rid of all his sins committed so far.
7. Kamda Ekadasi:
A fast on this day will assist in getting rid of all sins and guilt that are a result of lust.
8. Varuthini Ekadasi:
The vrat is a step towards a fortunate phase of life.
9. Mohini Ekadasi:
Eliminates all sins and helps in leading a happy and prosperous life. Also, a person undergoing sadness is effectively able to overcome this sickness.
10. Apara Ekadasi:
This vrat would help in eliminating their sins and henceforth, would finally assist them in attaining Moksha, or salvation.
11. Nirjala Ekadasi:
It is the strictest fast among all the Ekadashis in the Hindu religion as one cannot even drink water while observing it.
12. Yogini Ekadasi:
It is the most significant Ekadashi fast in order to get rid of various ailments and diseases.
13. Devshayani Ekadasi:
It is believed that Lord Vishnu went into a deep sleep for the next four months beginning from this day.
14. Kamika Ekadasi:
This vrat is considered highly significant and auspicious for performing good deeds and seeking blessings of the Lord.
15. Aja Ekadasi: This vrat eradicates all sinful and evil activities.
16. Parivartan Ekadasi:
On this Ekadasi day Lord Vishnu who reclines on Aadishesha turns to another side and this turn is called as Parivarthan.
17. Indira Ekadasi:
It is believed that observing this Ekadasi will help in removing the sins committed by oneself and one’s forefathers.
18. Pasankusa Ekadasi:
One will be able to fulfill his dreams and observing it is equal to performing numerous yajnas and making several offerings.
19. Rama Ekadasi: Sins and evil deeds can be washed away by observing a vrat on this day.
20. Prabhodini Ekadasi: The Hindu devotees believe that Lord Vishnu woke up from his Yoga Nidra (cosmic sleep) on this day.
21. Utpanna Ekadasi: One can enjoy all kinds of comforts and gets the shelter of Lord Vishnu, after death.
22. Mokshada Ekadasi: helps in attaining Moksha, or liberation.
23. Saphala Ekadasi:
Sins of many generations of a person are removed by observing the fast of Saphala Ekadasi.
24. Haribobhini (Devotthani) Ekadasi.

 Benefits of Ekadasi fasting:

• It brings the blessings of Lord Vishnu.
• It liberates one from the cycle of birth and death.
• It gives one freedom from the sins of the past.
• It fulfills the wishes of health, wealth and happiness.
• It enhances the physiological functions of the body.
• It helps in flushing out the toxins from the body.
• It helps to strengthen one’s self-control.
• It improves one’s emotional stability.

Methods of Ekadasi Fasting:
• Complete fasting involves total abstinence from food and water for 24 hours.
• Partial fasting involves consumption of fruits and milk and the avoidance of rice and grains.
• People with health problems can opt for partial fasting after consulting with their doctors.
• Some people take only a single meal on the Dasami day, the day before Ekadasi.


Sunday, July 22, 2012

10 Amazing Facts About Mondays

1) Most of us don't crack our smile until 11.16 am

2) The most preferred way to beat Monday blues is by watching television

3) Over 50% of employees are late for work

4) Most people will moan about it being Monday for a whole 12 minutes

5) People between the ages of 45 till 54 are most likely to suffer from Monday  blues

6) Workers only manage three and a half hours of productive work

7) Monday is the day most likely to commit suicide

8) Having heart attack

9) Monday is the less rainy day of the week

10) Monday is the best day to buy a car


Wednesday, January 25, 2012



As 'Diwali' - the festival of light - is to Lakshmi, goddess of wealth and prosperity, and 'Navaratri' is to Durga, goddess of power and valor, Vasant Panchami is to Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and arts. 

Hindus regard Vasant Panchami as the birthday of Goddess Saraswati. 'Vasant' comes from the word 'spring' as this festival heralds the beginning of springtime, and 'Panchami' from the 5th day of the bright fortnight of the lunar month of Magha, when it is observed. 

Hindus celebrate Vasant Panchami with great fervor in temples, homes and even schools and colleges as students across India utter the 'Saraswati Mantra' prayer before the idol of the goddess of knowledge and arts. 

( mantra while performing prayers to the goddess )

Om Saraswati Mahabhagey, Vidye Kamala Lochaney
Viswarupey Vishalakshmi, Vidyam Dehi Namohastutey
Jaya Jaya Devi, Charachara Sharey, Kuchayuga Shobhita, Mukta Haarey
Vina Ranjita, Pustaka Hastey, Bhagavati Bharati Devi Namohastutey